The latest release of WEBcnx – Arden’s project management software for packaging – is now available.
Web-based platform WEBcnx integrates with Arden’s packaging CAD/CAM software Impact, as well as other workflow systems, acting as a virtual project manager, enabling customers to manage and streamline their operations from wherever they are in the world.
WEBcnx 2023.1 is out now bringing with it a host of new features and performance enhancements.
The latest release marks the first in our new approach to development methodology, moving away from bigger and more sporadic software releases, in favour of a series of smaller and more frequent updates, focussed on key areas of the software.
In line with customer expectations and today’s modern software delivery cycles, this flexible development process aims to be more responsive to the changing needs of our customers.
WEBcnx 2023.1 has seen some significant updates to the remaining older areas of the admin tools to completely remove older, outdated user interface (UI) components.
Key updates in WEBcnx 2023.1 include:
The Standards Wizard has had a significant update and is a key component to the Design Library version of WEBcnx. This feature allows users to browse Impact’s entire catalog of standards and create new designs from these within WEBcnx.
The User Management Feature now allows an administrator to assume the identity of another user. This is an important administrative feature to help resolve issues users may have whilst preserving security. A new main menu option allows those administrators to easily revert back to their own account and all logging now includes the name of the administrator assuming a user’s identity to avoid adding confusion to the logs. Further flexibility has also been added to the logs so that the entire log is now searchable via WEBcnx and it’s also possible to search within date ranges.
The Arden Software Development Team are now working on the bigger roadmap projects for upcoming releases.
A significant update to the User Interface is ongoing which will include enhancements to both WEBcnx and Lens to be much more touchscreen friendly.
We’re also working on adding support for a new expression engine to our custom forms, which will allow administrators to build calculations into forms – a significant enhancement required to support our new Dieshop Management version of WEBcnx.
This development goes together with a new, streamlined form designer to make building and updating any forms quicker and easier, and for the WEBcnx integrated version of Lens, we will shortly be starting to add annotation support.
From order entry to design, WEBcnx was created specifically for the packaging industry, linking the different parts of a business together to ensure people know what to do and when to do it.
It’s compatible with Arden’s Impact CAD software and is also fully customisable to customers’ individual workflow systems, and has the ability to integrate customers and suppliers into the design and approval process.
Check out What’s New in WEBcnx to find out more.
Want to upgrade?
Contact your reseller to arrange a demo or upgrade or email us on